Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Making Changes

I realized today how unhappy I am with my appearance. How much it truly does bother me how much I've gained since the wedding. Why is it that after you get married you put on all this weight? I understand people saying you feel more comfortable, but how is sitting down and feeling like your button is going to pop more comfortable?

I'm making changes. And it's not going to be easy, but I have to do it.

I'm not really sure how much 'work out' time I'll have between school and work, but I need to fit something into my schedule. Even if it is just a walk around the neighborhood everyday. Now I just need to find my Ipod so I can have a little tunes while walking :)

I need to change up my diet. Fudge pops, chips, frozen food and fast food just aren't gonna cut it anymore. I need to find ways to add some healthy snacks into my life. The next grocery store trip is going to take a little more time and effort than normal. I need to really pay attention not just grab whatever catches my eye.

No more soda.

I don't think this is going to be too hard. I've done it before. Water and tea can help me get through my day.

I need to find healthier, but still quick ideas for dinners.

I'm going to try and really stick to this. It's going to be hard because when I feel really rushed or stressed with my schedule I just grab whatever I can. And most snacks (at least what I'm used to) aren't healthy.

It's going to be a tough journey for me. When I get stressed I turn to my chocolate and other junk foods. And with school, my hectic work schedule, and tests it's going to take a lot to avoid those urges and stick with my guns and have healthy snacks.

In the end this will be good. It will be hard at first, but to be happier and feel better about myself in the end will really pay off.

I know I'll have my supporters throughout this, just like I have my supporters for my school journey.

I'll keep you posted :)


  1. You can do it!!! Just remember to let your self indulge on those little goodies once a week or you will end up binging on them from deprivation. Also, it takes 21 days to change a habit. If you mess up on the 21st day, start over at 1. It will take a while but will be worth it in the end.

  2. Popcorn, cottage cheese, string cheese, almonds, fruit and veggies (like baby carrots and celery) with hummus are awesome snacks!!
