Friday, June 18, 2010

Party Hype

I've never been a social butterfly.

I've never been a party-goer.

I'm not a huge drinker, but its fun every now and then.

Last night, I went out with my husband and his friend. I was the DD, so no drinking for me. I'm always the one who needs to go to bed early because I have work early, however last night I really just didn't care. We were out until 1:30am, and I had to be up at 5:30am. I don't regret the choice one bit, despite the fact that I feel like I could fall asleep while writing this blog.

There were no crazy stories, no shots done, and I wasn't drinking at all, but it was a really great night. Just hanging out, not being at home, having good conversation and sharing funny stories with good people.

A week from tomorrow I will officially be done with my first quarter. I've never been out to the bars *myself* to drink and have fun. I've done it twice and been the DD both times. Well not this time. I'm going out. I'm celebrating the accomplishment of surviving my first quarter and I'm gonna have fun. We might hit up downtown, bar hop, who really knows. I'm looking forward to it. My goal isn't to get hammered, and if that happens it does. I want to experience the bar scene at least once, see what this party hype is all about. The friend we went out with last night is gonna come, and in my opinion he's the party guru. He knows all the best bars/clubs, and knows how to have a good time. I'm looking forward to it, and hoping it will be a night I never forget.

I'm not gonna party my 2os away, that's just not my style. But for once I'd like to go out and have some fun. No, drinking isn't necessary to have fun, and obviously based off of last night I can have a good time without alcohol. But for once I want to let go and be free. Have a little fun, and forget about my troubles and responsibilities.

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