Sunday, June 27, 2010


Wow . . .

That's all that can come to mind thinking about last night. My night of celebration came to an end, and I had an amazing time.

It started out a little later than how I planned, but totally worth it. Couldn't decide on a place to go, and ended up going to the Cowboy Lounge. *Ladies got in free* which was even better :) At least for me.

I have guys hit on me at work, and typically I'm thinking to myself, why can't they just stop. One of the bouncers last night, as we were walking in, was telling all the guys There are some pretty fine ladies in there, looks at me and says and some still coming in :) I loved the compliment, and my husband didn't seem to mind it either.

We get in, and there is no place to sit, so we just hang out at the bar. My husband ordered drinks for me the whole night. Now I'm a lightweight and typically drink the light stuff. I had 4 Long Island Iced Teas last night! Now some of you reading might be like, so what? That's nothing. Well to me that's alot. I was already feeling it after the first one!

There was great conversation. Many laughs. Lots of jokes.

At first, I'll admit, it was kind of awkward being the only girl in our little group. But after awhile, I didn't mind it. It turned out to be alot of fun.

They played mostly country, but threw in some hip hop. I was just dancing by myself with the guys around me talking. At one point C looks at me and goes, why not get out there with your husband and dance. I tell him my husband doesn't really do dancing, which I don't mind and continued my own little dance party, as lame as that may sound. He looks at my husband and says I might have to seal the deal and take your wife out on the dance floor. I thought it was quite funny, but never happened.

I'm proud of myself. I went out, for the first time, and didn't get totally hammered. I sure felt it and admit I was drunk. Felt like I was stumbling a little bit. But I had a good time. I didn't throw up at all. Managed to walk in the dark, once we got home, to the bathroom, which I consider quite the task when you are drunk :) And woke up this morning with no hangover.

It was a great night. I truly do have some great friends. Even if some of them didn't really want to be at that particular place because it didn't have their choice of beer, or their choice of music, but they still came and stayed because it was somewhere I wanted to be and enjoyed being there.

I'm looking forward to my next outing, which will be in about another 10-13 weeks, after my second quarter is complete. Maybe next time I can get my husband to break out on the dance floor, or convince a friend to dance with me.

Either way it was a great way to celebrate all the hard work I did for the first 10 weeks of school, and working through it all. No way I could do it every weekend though. Once every couple of months sounds good to me :)

1 comment:

  1. Celebration nights are always fun, and Cowboy Lounge hasn't let me down so far! Congrats again on a successful first term! I'm sure you'll do just as great in the second one!!
