Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Everyday of our lives we are faced with choices. Some easy to make, others it may take hours or days to pick the one we feel is right for our path. But even the most simple decision can wreak havoc on your life or attitude.

When I pass away and am in the heavens above, there is one question I'd like to ask God:
Why did you create me to be the person that can't stand her ground?

Most people would probably tell me God has nothing to do with that, but in my heart I feel he is a main reason as to why I am the person I am.

Why is it that I feel saying no will cause my world to come crashing down or people to become so angry with me? And when it comes to people being angry why do I care? Because in those instances where I don't say no, I'm the one that gets angry in the end for whatever it is that I have to do, because I didn't say no.

Granted I'm alot better about saying no than I was a few years ago, but I still have so much more to go before I'm satisfied with my ability to say no.

I need to make choices that benefit myself, that allow me to have the time with my family. Tfe only way I'll be able to do that is to say no when it's necessary for myself, and not worry that it may change someone else's plans for a change. I've done alot for people who haven't returned the favor, or appreciated the fact that I've done anything to help them.

If I don't make any changes, then the results will always be the same. It's up to me, and me alone to make these changes, and what better time to start then ..... now.

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