Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Being Supportive

Sometimes things happen to those I care most about, things that I wish I could make disappear, or give them an easy button to decide which path to take. But instead I sit back, lend my shoulder and my ear, and hope they make the decision that they are happy with that will create a better future for them. When they choose what I feel isn't right, I try and give my support, which at times means grinning and bearing it, until I come to the point that I see the happiness it brings them. In this case, it's going to take awhile. I hate seeing those I love in pain, but sometimes you have to go through the pain and heartache to really see what you want in life, and where you want to be going. I pray for those who are experiencing this right now.

I am truly grateful for those who have been supportive to me during the schooling process, and now that I'm almost done with my first quarter, I know I couldn't have done it with out them. Through all my freakouts on being afraid I'd fail a test, or thinking I wouldn't make it since i haven't been to school in so long, they have been by my side. After each test, when I tell them my scores, I get nothing but congratulations and supportive comments. Support systems are everything to me, and I extremely blessed to have such a great one, full of friends, family, and friends that I have adopted as family.

I'm much looking forward to the start of a second quarter, but in a way sad to see the first end. I've created a few special bonds, that I truly hope last through the year, and then some. I never knew that it was possible to create such strong bonds in such a short period of time. In such a short time, a few of us have developed our own little support system. Our support system isn't just about school, tests, grades; it has gone past that. I've learned I can count on a few of them when I need to vent or when I have a slight breakdown. I hope that I've created friendships that are built to last a lifetime.

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