Thursday, July 1, 2010

Grown Ups

I have a feeling this post may not may perfect sense and might bounce from subject to subject, so in advance, I apologize.

My wonderful hubby and I went on a spontaneous movie date last night, we went and saw Grown Ups. By far an extremely hilarious movie, and I recommend it to everyone :)

Throughout the evening, I realized a lot.

My husband and I don't spend much time out of the house. Like I've stated before, I am very much a homebody, but I miss little adventures with my husband. Movie dates, dinner dates, things of the sort. Over the past couple years, those little dates have seemed to vanish, and it kinda bums me out. We talked about it last night, and we are going to try and make more of an effort to go out and do things like that together.

While sitting waiting for the movie to start, another couple enters the theater and sits in the row in front of us. Funny thing is, I went to elementary and middle school with the guy. Actually had a crush on him way back when, but he never liked me in return. I laughed because I found it funny that I knew him, and was sitting just a few feet away, and he had no idea who I was.

It's funny how life happens. You spend such a large amount of your childhood in school, with the same people day in and day out, and once all of that is over, and you see those people later on in life, and they don't even recognize you.

I'm going to be 22 in 4 months. I can hardly believe it. I know that 22 isn't old by any means, but I just can't believe how fast I'm growing up. I'm married, have a house, two wonderfully rambunctious pets, heading towards a career that hopefully I'll love. I just can't believe where life has taken me, and yet it has so much more to go.

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