Sunday, July 18, 2010

Losing Balance - Gaining A Life

Latley I've started to feel like I'm losing the balance in my life. Our house has never been so clean you could eat off the floor, but typically it stays clutter free. Once starting school that whole concept flew out the window. Half the time you can't tell we have a kitchen table, and at times the dishes just start to pile up. I've always been on top of things financially, until recently. I missed my first ever bill this week and realized it today. I had a major break down. My husband looked at me, and said calmly "It's ok, don't worry." But that's all I did for the next hour after realizing it. I used to pay the bills as they came in the mail, but have since stopped that being that we make a little less now, and I usually pay them a few days before the due date. This marks the second time I forgot about a bill this month. The first one wasn't late as I remembered the day of, and went down and paid it in person. But I can't help but feel totally worthless that I forgot to pay a bill. I'm working on a new organization system so that this doesn't happen again. Second quarter just started, and of course it will take time to get back in the swing of things, but I don't think it'll get back to how it was before school started at all. I think I'm going to have to wait until I'm out of school to accomplish taht goal. It'll all be worth it in the end.

This is somewhat of a two part post. The above mentions how I feel like balance is completely off. And now for the second part - gaining a life.

I've mentioned this in my previous posts often, but it's because it has such an impact on my life. I have never really felt like I had a decent group of friends, ever. Then I joined a site while planning my wedding where I 'met' a decent amount of girls that have given me so much support, through the planning process, and even after being married are here to support me. And now for the first time, I actually feel like I have some pretty solid friends. Friendships that I have only before witnessed and dreamed I could have are becoming a reality. Being able to go out and have a good time, not sit in the corner and wonder why I was invited if they are just going to ignore me anyways. I think in the past 6 months, I have become a part of more inside jokes, than I have in my entire 21 years of life. I couldn't be any happier or feel any more blessed than I do right now in my life, to have such a great group of friends, which make up an amazing support system.

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