Monday, July 12, 2010

Round 2

The start of the second quarter finally arrived. Working before school is going to be rough, but I'll make it through somehow. I just have to keep my eye on the goal at the end, getting out of a dead end job, that causes me so much stress and frustration.

I was exactly looking forward to today. The drama never ends, it doesn't end in grade school, it escalates in high school, you stick with a few good friends and you think it's all said and done, but then it just comes full force. The right thing is not always an easy thing, so half the time I wonder why I bother.

All my life I've let people get to me, and the majority of the time they do it just to see me squirm or blow up. I think I've finally learned my lesson. I'm letting it roll off my back. If people want to talk bad about me then go right ahead. But if you truly have a problem with me, say it to my face, don't talk about me like I'm not in the room, when I'm less than 3 feet away from you.

Slowly but surely, I'm finding my real friends in this little thing we call life. Some of which I never thought I'd be as close to as I am, and I've lost some I thought might be there by my side. I know who I can call when I'm in trouble, send a text when I need a listening ear, and who has my back when everyone is ganging up on me.

Despite the stress I've been feeling, the hatred I feel towards me, I'm completely and truly blessed with those who are on my side, and support me whole-heartedly. I don't know where I would be without these people in my life, if I had no one to turn to.

This quarter I think is going to take a major toll on me, emotionally, physically and mentally. I'm going to need a lot of deep breaths, prayer sessions, meditations, and a few fun nights out to get through it all. And I know who will be there for me through it all. And I thank you all!

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